Blog (Page 2)

When you first get hair extensions it’s okay to be nervous of styling your hair. In fact, it’s great that you are nervous because once you think of it as your hair is when the damage can happen. A few months back my go to curling iron broke so IContinue Reading

When I was little my mom would scrub the crap out of my scalp when she washed my hair. My head would be bobbing all over and it hurt. Whenever my grandma washed my hair it was worse. She would use her nails to scrub my scalp. I wanted toContinue Reading

I love curly hair. I even get perms every few years. But these are just in until I was my hair which won’t be for a week because I love them so! Reading

There is always something going on that you may need to have your hair look nice. It’s isn’t always possible to go into the salon to have your hair done. This tutorial will show you how to do an elegant bun. If you have the curls already in your hairContinue Reading

You may be thinking of getting hair extensions. You’ve read our hair extension faq’s. Well now you can watch as me put in a full head of hand tied hair extensions on my sister. Reading