Do you have fine hair that doesn't hold a curl to save your life? Then this is for you!
I am going to have to use a word you don’t like to here, PRODUCT.
Here’s why. Hair has a PH level from 0 (acidic) – 14(alkaline).
The ideal PH for hair is 4.5 – 5.5. Fine hair tends to be on the lower side on the PH scale. What that means is if you put some hair between both hands and slowly pushed the hair together it will droop or go limp immediately. The higher the PH level the less drooping that will occur.
In order to hold a curl your hair needs a higher PH level.
That’s what product is used for. Volumizing products, hair sprays, thickening, mousse products all raise the PH level in hair. But depending on your PH level you may need more product or less.
So how do you know when you have enough in your hair to have raised your PH level?
We do the test strand again. Grab a small section of your hair in both hands and push the hair together once again. If you have enough product to have raised the PH level your hair will slowly bend or maybe even arch up rather then fall right away like before. If it still falls then add some more product to your hair.
Once your hair has pasted the test then you are able to start curling your hair and enjoy the curls you where able to create.
For more info follow #hairtipsbyjen